Risley Apprentice Training School |
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James Richards of 1989 vintage has sent this photo in of Julie Wood, Carl Johnson and Simon Hughes, who designed an ultrasonic inspection scanner that became known as the "SWIS".(Saddle Weld Inspection System). From what James remembers, an ex-RAT had formed the company Phoenix Inspection Services and approached the training school to design the system as a "training exercise". The thing that sticks in James's mind to this day though is that chap from Phoenix said that since we were designing the kit, we could name it. My fellow RAT and partner in crime throughout the years, Cameron Forest, came up with the superb name "Phoenix External Nozzle Inspection System", which (I cannot for life of me understand why) never made it on to the finished article!!!
Helsby (Whitley) has sent in another Sept 1982 photo of the most polular Year by
to Right Back: ??, Trisha Whitley , ??
Front Row: Ian Wike, Mark
Walker, Neil Whalley
1982 monopoly of this page continues:
Left to Right Back: Omar Salam, Paul Simpson , Mike Prescott, Ron Price
Front Row: Geoff
??, Steve Smith
18-08-06 Part of 1982 Intake at Daten Sports Field
Hatton has sent
this photo taken in Sept 1982
Left to Right Back: Alec Glover, Andrew Fielding , Peter Hackett
Front Row: Andy F, Tony Hatton, Darren Giles
24-01-06 Part
of 1980 Intake at EOT Dinner
Livesey has sent this photo in of a mixed group of prize winning apprentices in
Left to Right Standing: J.R. Wilcox-Baker, Dave Lowe, Chris Morley, D.R.E
Thomas, Glyn Rothwell, I. Foster, R. Arkwright, Dave Knight, D.P. Owen, Dave
Arundale, A.I. Roberts,
Brian Metcalfe, Bob Millington, P. Foy, D.J. Calland, Arthur Williams, Mike
Livesey, Malcolm Hughes, Martin Harrop, B.A. Acklam, N.H. McLaren, Alan Livesey.
Front Row Seated: Jeremy Lock, Stuart Metcalfe, Pauline Aldred, Barbera
Doubledam, John Kempster, David Pugh, S. Waudby.
16-01-06 Part of 1980 Intake at EOT Dinner
Conroy has sent another 1980 intake photo courtesy of Gary Farnworth.
Back row : Chris Jones, ?
Middle row : Derek Conroy (me), Gary Farnworth, Bryn Griffiths, Dave Birtles.
Front row : Paul McCabe
13-01-06 Worsley Hall 1978
Lee Giles has submitted this which proves brown was going out of fashion by 1978.
Lee says; 'This picture was taken during an evening out to a medieval banquet at Worseley Old hall sometime during 1978, I can't remember exactly what month but I do remember having a great time. Most of the guys in the picture are from my intake year 1977 with some other guys from the previous year pictured more toward the background. Starting at the backside of the table from left to right is myself ,Kevin Peake, Philip Wisedale, Kevin Leyland and on the nearside of the table from left to right is Ian Parkinson, Tony Davin, Stuart Pike, Gareth Twiss. I cannot remember the names of any of the others in the photo 'sorry'.'
11-09-05 part of 1982
John Hoyles has submitted this one to complement the one below and was taken at the same time as the one below.
The inmates are:-
Back Row ... John Hoyles, Paul Hoy, Duncan Lomax
Front Row ... Nigel Kerr, Anne Marie McDonald, Haydn Jones
'Beast' Heavey has sent this cracker in of Six of the North West's finest young
recruits selected from thousands
of eager applicants. Check out the 1982 page and see if you can spot them 4
years later!
Team Photo taken during the first weeks "Induction Course" at the end of
the Sports Day at Culcheths Shaw Street Recreation Ground Field.
Back Row ... Dave (DP) Hill, Jane Herbertson, Colin Howell
Front Row ... Paul (Benny) Hill, Paul (Woody) Howard, Dave (Beast*) Heavey
09-05-05 1980 Intake in 1984
23-03-05 Apprentice Football Team winter 1985 ish.
Keith Parker & Ian Clough sent this one in containing apprentices from '83 & '84 intakes
Left to right
Back Row:- Dave Ashton, Dave Stead, Mark Abbott,?, Paul Heywood, Phil Houseman, Mark Blackburn,?, Keith Ashworth.
Front Row:- Ian Clough, Ian Fanning, Tony Murphy, Paul Guildford, Darren Murphy, ?.
My memory has gone, help required!
17-02-05 Part of 1975 Intake at Poole Dorset
Austin Dale has had a rummage and dug this
little gem out for us to enjoy.
Austin says 'The above photo is of the Second group of 1975 Risley Intake to visit Poole. They are mainly Sparkies and Instrument Mechs, with a couple of Clankies thrown in. We did not have access to clubs with the same freedom as the Mechanical group from the previous week as they'd got us barred before we even got there.'
Left to right
Back Row:- ? Kirkpatrick, ? White, Keith Whittle, Martin?, Derek Calland, Chris Lawless, Malc Hughes, Steven Savage, Dave ?(Clanky).
Front Row:- Andrew Berry, Gary Philips (Clanky), Paul Foster, Austin Dale.