Intake photographed in the usual spot looking towards the front entrance
of the training school.
kindly supplied by Andy Rimmer
Photo scanned from a water damaged original and retouched from the
stained original Andy has promised a better copy when he finds it.
Code has checked out this photo and added the who's who for those of us
who have forgot!
A.Jarrett, G.S.Oldknow, A.Glover, P.A.Birkett, I.Harrison, M.Wilks,
M.D.Lowe, I.D.Blackburn, M.K.Frost, G.C.Hignett, J.K.Earnshaw, D.Wilson,
Row:- P.M.Smith, P.J.Howard, K.W.Richardson, J.C.Hall, R.Griffiths,
G.Peers, A.Speakman, C.J.Haste, A.C.Jackson, M.Nevin, S.O.Bartrop,
G.J.Taylor, D.Birchall, N.J.Williams, D.P.Hill, S.J.Brookes, P.T.Hackett.
3rd Row:- M.R.Walker, I.Tushingham, S.A.Mutch, Andy F, G.Radcliffe,
J.Rankin, P.Cunliffe, D.J.Eckersley, D.P.Heavey, P.A.Hoy, P.A.Berrisford,
J.L.Balmer, S.J.Smith, D.J.Mason, I.Pheasey, A.Hatton, N.J.Kerr
Row:- D.Salam, R.Price, H.Jones, A.Fielding, C.J.Hewertson, M.Brooks,
J.A.Hoyles, P.M.Farr, C.D.Howel, A.D.Rimmer, M.C.Page, P.C.Dobson,
S.J.Brownlow, M.Prescott, J.A.Martin, A.E.Marsh, D.N.Whalley, S.Mills,
Row:- G.J.Buckley, S.G.Baldwin, P.Code, D.Lomax, M.Clair, D.White,
D.J.Collett, D.P.Giles, Andrea Taylor, Patricia Yates, Patricia Whitley,
Anne-Marie McDonald, Cathryn Taylor, Amanda J.Herbertson, I.N.Wike,
N.Hill, S.Andrews, C.J.Hind, W.A.Buckles.
Team Photo taken during the first weeks "Induction Course" at the end of
the Sports Day at Culcheths ??? Field.
Back Row ... Dave (DP) Hill, Jane Herbertson, Colin Howell
Front Row ... Paul (Benny) Hill, Paul (Woody) Howard, Dave (Beast*) Heavey
Supplied by Dave 'Beast' Heavey
Another 'Team' photo taken at
the same time as the one on the left.
Left to Right Back: Alec Glover, Andrew Fielding , Peter Hackett
Front Row: Andy F, Tony Hatton, Darren Giles Photo
Supplied by Tony Hatton