Group Photographs 1983 Intake during first two weeks of September 1983

AEA Lecture Theatre Sept '83

AEA Lecture Theatre Sept '83

Lawn outside Risley canteen Sept '83

Daten Club Sept '83

AEA lecture theatre being lectured on the do's and don'ts of apprentice life.

Second attempt at photo from our more photogenic side after being told to smile.

Outside afterwards, '83 must have been a reasonable summer.

A bit of light sporting exercise, I think the first week was swimming and the second football.

Photo's supplied by Helen Eddowes (Linkman)

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Offical b&w picture in 'Pinions' shop circa 1986 of the 'Swarf Grab' and part of '83 intake. 

The supplier of the photo (me) remembers a certain large part of the assembly the cross beam between the bucket halves being violently thrown across the workshop. This was just  after yours truly suffered a severe mental block and machined this large object with the pin centres precisely 10mm further apart than they should have been.

Photo supplied by Graeme Pilkington