Polish Railways 2000HP 3000V DC Bo-Bo
Photographed prior to delivery in 1962
BR Type 3 (Class 37) being
fitted out some time in 1960
There are other slides
associated with this one including a nice one with a group of Vulcan
Staff that I failed to aquire as the price it gained was too high. If
you are reading this and own the slides it would be nice to have a copy
of the one with staff on it so other visitors to the site could identify
the people in it.
Photo supplied by Graeme
Unidentified Vulcan GEC Industrial
Locomotive photo taken sometime after 1975
Help with identiying and dating this one would be appreciated, photo is
off a print supplied by Garry Edwards and is the best I can offer.

Image from original colour slide entitled
Five Types of Traction December 1960
If we are talking type it looks like three to me though i.e. Electric,
Diesel Electric and Gas Turbine.
Photo was not taken on a very good day to say the least!

It's Summer 1955
and the chaps from Pickfords are pictured on the A580 East Lancashire
Road with their load an East African Railways 2-8-4, the last big steam
order for the Vulcan
Stephensons bust sitting amidst the neatly tended grounds in front of
the ????
Lister Autotruck
kids ride for Vulcan Sports Day
(see video footage as well) |
Diesel Test Bed
4SRKT 500hp diesel engine fitted with a Napier MS100 turbocharger (mounted on the RH end)
on test for BR Southern Region Diesel Locomotives this particular engine was fitted to 1001 on
the Hastings/ London run. After the first 13 units the power output was increased to 600hp
and the turbo changed to a larger MS200.
Thanks to Brian Orrell (former engineer in-charge) for the above information
The Diesel
Erection Shop 1958 |
The Diesel
Erection Shop on 12th May 1959 showing the assembly
of Type 4 Locomotives (BR Class 40's).
The Diesel Gen sets in bottom RH corner are 16SVT 2000Hp at 850 rpm
built at EECo Preston. Each gen set fitted with 4 MS100 turbochargers.
In other words its really 4 x the 4SRKT shown on test bed photo above.
Thanks to Brian Orrell for the above information